Tuesday, May 15, 2018

To Begin With

For a long time, Bill has suggested we retire in Ecuador because he read that the cost of living is lower than in the states.  Not knowing Spanish or having anyone we know who lives south of Corpus Christi, my desire to move to South America was on low end of "not gonna happen."  What was I going to do?  Get holed up in a casita and eat toast all day?  Don't buy me a plane ticket just yet.

Then, one day in early February, I was in the Zombie State which is Facebook and came across a friend's post, stating that an English speaking school in Quito, Ecuador was looking for teachers.  On that whim, I found the school and the job post announcing positions in middle school math and elementary, both of which Bill and I are currently teaching.  At that time, I messaged one of the contacts that we were interested, but the likelihood of us actually movie was about 5%.  

Fast forward a few God given miracles, and you will find us shopping for large but lightweight luggage, researching cooking at an altitude of 9,000 feet, and putting dibs on a one bedroom apartment nestled in between the two volcanoes that define Quito, Ecuador.  We've explored our path to work on Google Maps, finding that the walk will take all of seven minutes.  Bill will teach 7th and 8th grade math, and I will teach fourth grade.  My future team teacher and I communicate almost daily.  We share a love of kids and karaoke, so we're pretty much a match made in "cielo."   

As I think of Ecuador now, the casita and toast are replaced by cloud forests, monkey orchids, and empanadas.  It's no simple task to be surprised at the age of 50, but God is doing a new thing.  And, yes, Bill can buy me that plane ticket now.   

Image result for quito ecuador
Photo: Wikipedia Commons


  1. Looking forward to reading about your adventure!

    1. I’m sure we’ll provide lots of content! I’m glad to read your husband has responded so well to his treatments. And I’m glad he has you to help him through it all.

  2. Such a cool adventure! I am super excited for the both of you!

    1. Yes! We probably need a DEN event there! I’ll host.

  3. They have more birds than anywhere! (So naturally I thought of you).
